Group Therapy Coming Summer 2024

for preteens, teens and adults

Maybe You’re Thinking Of Trying Group Therapy, But You Still Have Some Questions…

  • How long does group therapy last, and how often do sessions happen?

    Group therapy sessions are typically held once a week, with each session lasting about one hour. These sessions are part of a structured program that usually runs for a set number of weeks, typically spanning 8 to 12 weeks.

    The consistent schedule of weekly sessions over several weeks helps foster a sense of community and trust among group members. It also provides a supportive environment where individuals can explore their feelings and experiences at a comfortable pace.

  • What kinds of issues can be addressed in group therapy?

    Group therapy can help with a wide range of challenges that people face at different stages of life. Here are some common issues that group therapy can address for adult clients:

    Feeling Stressed or Anxious

    Dealing with Sadness or Depression

    Managing Relationships

    Struggling with Self-Esteem

    Coping with Grief or Loss

    Addressing Substance Use

    Handling Anger or Frustration

    Navigating Life Transitions

    Group therapy is flexible and can be personalized to meet individual needs, no matter your age or background. Joining a group allows you to connect with others who've been through similar experiences, creating an environment where everyone can grow and heal together.

  • What kinds of issues are discussed in the preteen and teen groups?

    Group therapy is a supportive space that can help teens and preteens too! Here are some specific issues that group therapy can address for younger participants:

    Anxiety and Stress

    Body Image and Self-Esteem

    Social Skills and Peer Relationships

    Cyberbullying and Online Safety

    Family Dynamics and Conflict Resolution

    Academic Pressure and Goal Setting

    Substance Use Prevention

    Coping with Grief and Loss

    Group therapy sessions for teens and preteens are designed to be engaging and relatable, fostering a sense of community and empowerment.

    By addressing these specific issues within a supportive group setting, young participants can develop valuable skills and find comfort in shared experiences.

  • How do I sign up for group therapy, and what is the enrollment process like?

    Joining a group therapy session is a straightforward process. Here's what you can expect:

    1. Book an Introductory Call: Start by reaching out via email ( or click here to schedule a 15 minute intro call. This call helps us get to know each other and determine if group therapy is the right fit for your needs.

    2. Introductory Call: During the introductory call, we'll discuss your goals, concerns, and any questions you have about group therapy. This conversation helps us ensure that the group aligns with your needs and preferences.

    3. Complete Paperwork and Schedule an Intake Session: After the introductory call, if you decide to proceed, we'll complete any necessary paperwork and schedule a 45-minute intake session. This intake session, held 1-2 weeks before the group starts, allows us to gather more information about you and ensure that the group is a good match!

    4. Attend the First Group Session: Finally! You'll attend the first group therapy session! This is where you'll meet the other group members and begin your therapeutic journey in a supportive and collaborative environment.

    This step-by-step process ensures that In-Balance understands your needs and goals before you join the group, making the experience as beneficial and comfortable as possible.

Contact for more info on what groups In-Balance has to offer